
Wednesday 11 December 2013



I've had boy hair for a few years now, many, many people comment that I looked nicer with longer hair (cheers guys) so I am in the process of growing it back to a bob.

I really like short bobs with blunt fringes that loads of girls rock, so that is what I'm aiming for. Right now, I'm kind of in a 'Spock' phase (as in, Spock out of StarTrek, google it & you'll see) I was recommended to try Sea Kelp tablets, however when I ventured into Holland & Barratt the girl on the counter couldn't explain what 'can be used to maintain a healthy weight loss' meant. So I got scared & bought their own hair tablets, we'll see how these work then. 



  1. lovely cut - this style gives you an edge :) wish I was brave enough to have my hair cut this short!

    1. Thank you. This is me trying to grow it. I have boy hair normally.
